At Customize Pros, we value your privacy. Our Privacy Policy governs how Customize Pros manages all the user data collected from the visitors of this website. The following privacy policy applies to our products, services, and website.

If you have queries and requests regarding our policy, feel free to contact us, either by emailing at or calling us at (702) 337-2666.

Personal Identification Information

We will collect personal data from our customers only if they willingly provide us with the information. For example, customize Pros only gathers your personal information when you fill out a quote form on our website or confirm an order.

We must request you to provide us with some basic information, including your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. Customize Pros may also ask for your credit card details for payment purposes.

Our Methods of Collecting Information

Customize Pros may collect and use your personal information for the purposes stated below:

To Enhance Our Service

The data you provide us when visiting our website helps us respond proficiently to your customer service requirements and support needs. We at Customize Pros want to ensure that your buying experience with us remains fast and seamless.

To Improve our Website

We may use your comments and feedback to improve our services and products. Your feedback is precious to us and will be used to improve our products and services, as well as improve how we serve you.